Curriculum, Edtech & Online Safety


Looking to revamp and revitalise your Computing subject? Or perhaps looking to increase the use of technology in a cross-curricular fashion? Our EdTech experts, made up of qualified teachers, will review your current provision and support you with suggestions relevant to your school context, requirements and desired outcomes, incorporating staff training and support into a structured development plan.


With our educational background we know that sometimes the hardest part of introducing different methods or approaches to both the teaching of Computing and the use of technology across the curriculum is change management. Whilst whole-staff CPD offers a great opportunity for staff to collaborate and question with our experts, we also know that some of the best CPD can be provided in the moment within an active class. Therefore we are pleased to offer the opportunity of team teaching sessions, boosting staff confidence as teaching and learning continues.


We love bringing Computing and Technology to life in learning. We are building an expansive range of workshops across multiple key stages to support bringing physical computing into the classroom, exploring video production, green screening and podcasting and supporting pupils with interactive online safety workshops.